Importing emails from Gmail

Messages from your Gmail account can be imported into HOA Webmail.

To export from Gmail

  1. Visit Google Takeout to get started:
  2. Click "Deselect all"
  3. Locate the "Mail" category and click the box.
  4. All Mail data is selected by default. If you would like to select specific folders, you may change this.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Next step"
  6. Select the "Export once" option if not selected. File type can remain as zip. For file size, if you have a fast broadband connection, select the highest size. If not, keep the default.
  7. The next screen will show the progress. This can take a while depending on the number of emails.
  8. When ready, download the zip file and extra the file contents. You will only need the file(s) ending in ".mbox" for the import process.

To import to HOA Webmail

  1. To begin the import, first log into your webmail account at
  2. In the top right menu, click the "More" button with the three dots.
  3. Select the option "Import"
  4. Next browse to the file that you extracted in step 8 above and select it.
  5. Click the "Import" button to start the process.
  6. Depending on the number and size of your emails, this may take some time.
  7. If your zip file had multiple ".mbox" files, follow these steps for all mbox files.