Creating a web page

To create a web page:

  1. Log into the site with an admin account.
  2. Click on "Administer Site" in the menu.
  3. In the left menu, click "Site Content", then "Webpages".
  4. Click the "Create Webpage..." button.
  5. On the next page, select the Menu that you'd like this page to appear under. A link will be placed in the left menu of all the pages. Access to your webpage is set by the menu permissions. For instance, if you have a menu with the access of "Administrator" set and add a page to this menu, that page will only be accessible by admins.
  6. Select a "Parent Page". Leaving this as "None" will make the page a "top level" page. Selecting any other option will place your new page as a "child" of that page.
  7. Create a "Page Title". This is the link name that will be appear in the left menu and at the top of your webpage.
  8. Add your content to the "Page Content" field.
  9. Set the "Active" option to Yes if you want your page to go live immediately.

Additional "advanced" options are available by clicking the "Show advanced fields" link.